Rarely do I ever meet people from my hometown of Portland, OR. Well... technically I grew up in Vancouver, WA which is on the other side of the Columbia river from Portland, but when I tell people I am from Vancouver, they think I am Canadian! Sooooo it's just 100x easier to just tell people I am from the City of Roses (RIP CITY!)
Anyways, this post isn't about me, or even about Portland. It's about the wonderful Kennedy (who also has love and ties to Portland). We got to chatting for a bit and I wanted to highlight a few of the topics that she strongly believes in. Below are her thoughts and words on them.

Being Patient
"Learning patience opens the door to understanding other individuals' mindsets and emotions. It allows you to open the path to being kind and empathetic."
Being Yourself
"Because no matter how much it sucks to be disliked, it's far worse to live a life where you don't love yourself."
Being Bold
"Be bold in your words and in your actions. Whether that means putting yourself out there or letting others know how you feel, you are being bold in the decisions you make. Being bold in your life also encourages you to stand up for yourself, for others, and for your ideals."
Fun Facts About Kennedy:
Favorite place in the world is Portland, Oregon. She tries to visit annually and plans to ultimately move there some day.
Her favorite book is "It's Kind of a Funny Story" by Ned Vizzini.
She loves the color of lavender, the taste of cranberry juice, and the sounds of Rainbow Kitten Surprise (I thought it was a title of a kids cartoon, but it's a band apparently haha).